Featured Events
Featured events are open to both members and friends of ACRA. They are a wonderful opportunity to network with colleagues across Alameda County, dig deep into relevant topics for K-12 educators, and earn post-baccalaureate units towards salary advancement if units are desired.
August 2, 2024
Mindful classroom design
Join us on August 2nd for 2 hours of mindful classroom design with Author Bee Medders. Bee is excited to share practical plans for the requirements of today’s classrooms, for both new and experienced teachers alike.
Registration includes a copy of Bee’s book ($12 value), refreshments, and practical classroom design discussion with make-it-take-it elements you can use today. $10 event fee can be applied toward membership if you decide to become an ACRA member.
Featured events are fee-based for friends of ACRA.
ACRA members will receive free or reduced entry to featured events.
*All desired units will have an additional unit fee through University of the Pacific, regardless of ACRA membership status. Always check with your district ahead to make sure these units will be accepted toward salary advancement.