ACRA Parent Workshops
Every year ACRA Board Members present a workshop to help families support their children’s literacy skills at home. In 2020 and 2021 the workshop was presented virtually. Below are links to the resources we shared.
About naplab
Memories of cuddling with their young children at bedtime as they read them a story are among the highlights of parenthood for many moms and dads. But lots of parents let this sweet bonding time end when their child learns to read and become more independent. Follow this link for many suggestions and resources to enhance your family reading time.
About A Mighty Girl
A Mighty Girl is the world’s largest collection of books, toys, movies, and music for parents, teachers, and others dedicated to raising smart, confident, and courageous girls and, of course, for girls themselves!
Putting more books featuring diverse characters into the hands of all children.
A world in which all children can see themselves in the pages of a book.
California Reading Association Book Awards
Eureka for Nonfiction Books
The Eureka! Nonfiction Children’s Book Award assists teachers, librarians, and parents in identifying outstanding nonfiction books for their students and children.
California Young Reader Medal for Literature
The California Young Reader Medal program, established in 1974, introduces young readers in California to a variety of book genres and formats, gives them an opportunity to honor their favorite books and authors, and develops and cultivates a love of recreational reading.
About Reading Rockets
We bring the best research-based strategies to teachers, parents, administrators, librarians, childcare providers, and anyone else involved in helping a young child become a strong, confident reader. Our goal is to bring the reading research to life — to spread the word about reading instruction and to present "what works" in a way that parents and educators can understand and use.
Edutopia Mission Statement
Our Foundation is dedicated to transforming K-12 education so that all students can acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to thrive in their studies, careers, and adult lives. Founded by innovative and award-winning filmmaker George Lucas in 1991, we take a strategic approach to improving K-12 education through two distinct areas of focus: Edutopia and Lucas Education Research.
Lucas Education Research Philosophy
The lecture- and textbook-based transmission model dominates in the United States and much of the world. In the transmission model, teachers transmit knowledge to students through lecture and assigned textbook readings. Students act as passive knowledge recipients, memorizing information and reciting it on tests of recall. They may gain familiarity with a wide breadth of knowledge, but they do not practice applying that knowledge to new contexts, communicating it in complex ways, or using it to pose and solve problems or as a platform to develop their metacognition or creativity. Although development of a strong knowledge foundation is necessary for engagement in deeper learning tasks, the transmission model—in itself—is insufficient for supporting students’ development of deeper learning.